Sunday, February 17, 2013

[labmembers] Updating mailing lists with Badger names ...

SNF Lab Members:

As you may recall, our equipment mailing lists are still using
subscriptions of the form and relying on
email forwarding to get messages directed to the proper address.

We now believe that the great majority of you have completed your Badger
conversion and equipment qualifications. As a result, it now seems to
be a good time to convert all of our mailing lists so that they use your
badger_name (which is an email address) as the address to which you are
subscribed to our lists.

Later today, I expect to run a script that will effect that conversion
based on the existing Badger equipment qualifications. Then, the
labmembers list will be populated on a nightly basis based on the list
of subscribers to all other lists.

Because Badger does not automatically subscribe you to mailing lists
based on equipment qualifications, I will periodically re-run this
script to add newly qualified members to appropriate lists.

After I have run this conversion, I will send out a message to the
"newly constituted" ... likely in the next
couple of hours. If you do not receive this second message, you likely
fell through the cracks. (Note: I realize that this is dangerously
close to asking you "Please let me know if you don't receive this
..."). Note: we do have a mechanism for making sure that you are added
to the list even if you are not qualified to
use any piece of equipment. If you fall into this category, please send
me email and ask me to add you to the "courtesy" list.

So, in the next hour or two (it is now nearing 12:30 p.m. on Sunday,
February 17) you should receive a second message posted to the new
labmembers mailing list. If you receive that message, you don't have to
do anything ... other than to know that you are subscribed to the
labmembers mailing list under your Badger name.

If you encounter any problems, please don't reply to the labmembers
mailing list, but to me directly:

Thanks for your cooperation,


p.s. For those of you who have already updated your subscriptions based
on your Badger login, I apologize in advance if anything that I do
undoes those previous subscriptions.

labmembers mailing list

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