Friday, January 11, 2013

[labmembers] Allen Building door's project update and notification.

As part of last year's renovation, the fire inspectors found that many of our existing fire doors had issues.  Some require just new hardware (closers or latches), some require new doors and a handful require new frames be installed to brought up to basic fire codes.  This work would have started in Nov but delays on permits pushed it to the holiday shutdown and into Jan to finish.

Some of these have been only minor inconvenience but the door with the greatest impact is yet to finalized on the schedule.  The gown room door is on of the more involved doors and requires the entire frame be pulled and replaced.  When this occurs there will be about 3-4 hours, twice, where access into the gown room will be restricted (CLOSED).  The plan is start the demolition and rebuild process at 6:00am to minimize the user impact.  The trim out and repaint interruption will follow a day or two later when the structural and sheetrock is ready.

We are considering Wed Jan 16th or Mon, Jan 21st as the two likely start dates.  We do not want to leave it partially completed for a weekend.

Your patience and support are appreciated.  When this work is finally completed we will get our "full occupancy" status granted by the county.

Brett E. Huff
SNF Clean Room Manager
Stanford University

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