Thursday, January 10, 2013


A bit of trouble getting this message to the raith users list, so I am forwarding it on to all the labmembers.

Regards,  John

-------- Original Message --------
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2013 17:38:46 -0800
From: James W. Conway <>
Organization: Stanford Nanofabrication Facility
To: RAITH 150 <>, Lev Markov <>, Jason Sanabia <>, "Kevin Burcham -- RAITH USA Inc." <>, Rich Tiberio <>, John Bumgarner SNF Operations Director <>, "Mirwais Aktary PhD." <>, Cole Loomis <>,
CC: Tomoko Borsa Ph.D CNL Boulder, Co <>, Roger T. Howe <>, Prof. H.S. Philip Wong <>, Jelena Vuckovic -- Stanford <>, Jim Harris - COACH <HARRIS@SNOWMASS.STANFORD.EDU>, Mark L Brongersma - Assoc Prof. of Mat. Sci. and Eng. <>, Krishna Saraswat -- Nielsen Professor SOE <>

Good Evening Raith Community at Stanford,    Today I completed my writing test for qualification of the RAITH 150   system performance for site acceptance.  Some measurements are still to   be completed after pattern transfer next week.    The Raith write last evening and overnight was perfect in every way with   no errors encountered in the exposures.    At 10 kV, 30 um Aperture, 5 mm Working distance on 100 nm 2% 950K PMMA   in Anisole:    Ebeam waist measured between 1.78 to 2.1 nm FWHM 50% using a latex   sphere. This is twice below specifications for 10 kV.  This will likely   reduce in size to our normal 0.8 - 1.2 nm beam waist as we run in the   FE-Gun tip.  The E/O card settings and amplifier alignments on the SEM side of the   system were very carefully adjusted by Lev Markov, Raith Field Service   expert, and there exist no items outstanding.    The Beam Current 10 kV 30 um aperture is ~ 0.2068 nA and well within   specification for Beam Current Stability.  Plots are pending from   Tuesday overnight test.  Users can examine the plot which is in   Raith150/User/Admin/ 01092013BeamIStab.rag    I wrote a long series of test and Process Control Monitor patterns,   writing in both stitched and FBMS modes including orthogonality and   distortion test across a 1.2 cm sq. area.  Careful review of these patterns at 1000x optical Mag on the Vanox   microscope displayed not a single stitching error.  No breaks or butting   errors in any vernier or write field stitched was found.  All FBMS patterns exposed perfectly, except for one file that was not   converted from my GDSII file properly and likely I made a simple mistake   on the editor.    I wrote stitched write fields and patterns placed adjacent to each other   in separate write fields with not a single stitching break found over a   0.7 by 0.4 cm square area.    I wrote 6 plus,  1 mm square zone plates which appear to be perfectly   symmetrical in optical contrast.  These patterns are very sensitive to   field distortions and outside perturbations from RF and magnetic fields   which appear as moire fringes that are not uniform across the device.   Again each pattern looks perfect.    I wrote a large number of the 4x4 simple optical gratings pattern with   lines at 265nm by 530 nm pitch around my patterned area and they also   look near perfect.  (I saw one small area about 50 x 50 um that may have   been a particle or small scale contamination in the resist that was   written over.) Passed the stitching test.    In a quick SEM inspection just completed the smallest isolated line I   examine was 7 - 10 nm and Line Edge roughness was < 5 nm.  More SEM   review and measurements pending after pattern transfer,    I am very pleased with this PM and we have a nice new FE-GUN for the   year to pursue our research with.    Users are requested to be careful and diligent in the use of the tool   with regards to properly baking out their resist before loading into the   system. (recommend 90 degrees C for 2 minutes on the hotplates)  Users are requested to contact me for permission before attempting to   write on any materials from outside the lab, or any novel resist system,   that may pose a threat of decomposition or out-gassing during the exposure.    ----> Users seeking to write above 20 keV ACCELERATION VOLTAGE are   requested to check with me to ensure we have sufficient run in time on   the FE-Gun to avoid any possibility of EHT trips or arcing transients.   This concern is much reduced from PM's in years past as we have   excellent vacuum base pressures in the tool after our 200 hour bake-out   over the holidays.  (Gun vacuum 5.4E-010 Torr, System chamber base is 6.2E-007 Torr one hour   after load lock exchange of samples into the system.    I look forward to another year of engagement with everyone working in   the Ebeam Lab as we push the limits of Ebeam Lithography pursuing your   projects at SNF.  Users having concerns or needing additional training or process project   support need only come to my office hours to get my help.  Your work and only the highest quality of results are important to me.   If it doesn't come out just perfect in every way please come and see me.    Thank you for your support!    James Conway  Ebeam Technology Group  Stanford Nanofabrication Facility    

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